Day 4 / Task 2 Summary

Yesterday was the second flying day of the competition. Tasks of 168 km in club class and 169 km in standard class were proposed. The flying window was short due to rain coming in the late afternoon so the launches started early at 11.30. Thermals up to 3m/s with cumulus allowed the best pilots to turn the tasks with 90 km/h average speed. But the weather conditions were not consistent throughout the whole tasks, making it impossible for some pilots to come back home...

Congratulations to Kim Toppari (Team Finnland) who led the club class task, and to Mathias Valentin (Team Denmark) who led the standard class. Detailed results are to be found under:

Due to storms and overcasted cloud layer, today will be another fishing day ! 🚣

See you on Friday and Saturday, the weather looks better for flying !

You can follow our Instagram account @jegc2023 for more publications, and look to for some very nice photos taken during the competition. 


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Svæveflyvecenter Arnborg
Fasterholtvej 10
7400 Herning

Airfield (ICAO: EKAB)
Position: 56o 00.7N / 009o 00.8E (See Google Map)
Elevation: 37m.

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