JEGC 2023 Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony be held on Saturday, 29th July 2023. The grand affair will begin at 10:30 AM from Bredgade 67, 7400 Herning (Map link).

All nations will begin their march behind the drum corps, proceeding to Herning Town Square.

The ceremony will conclude at Herning Town Hall. To keep the spirit alive and the energy levels high, we've arranged for a light snack in the town hall.

Let's celebrate the coming together of nations for the 6th FAI Junior European Gliding Championship 2023.

We can't wait to see you there!

Please direct any question to Jannie Krogsdal on phone +45 28 69 46 99 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

(all Team Captains has also been informed by email - or you can find more details about the ceremony here)

Our Sponsors
Logo - Jonker Sailplains
Logo - Sun Air
Logo - Schempp Hirth
Logo - Herning Kommune
Logo - STARK
Logo - ID Identity
Logo - Huset Poulsen
Logo - Tøjeksperten
Logo - helm
Logo - Skoringen
Logo - Kop & Kande
Logo - Trespass
Logo - DOHM
Logo - DOHM
Logo - Nielsens
Logo - Paw Sko
Logo - Wagner
Logo - Larsen
Logo - Gartnerhallen
Logo - Andelskassen i Ikast

Contact Us

For general inquiries please fill out the form below (orange box), or contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Svæveflyvecenter Arnborg
Fasterholtvej 10
7400 Herning

Airfield (ICAO: EKAB)
Position: 56o 00.7N / 009o 00.8E (See Google Map)
Elevation: 37m.

© JEGC2023. All rights reserved. Design & development: Joomlakonsulenten

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